Franklin College Requirement: One course The Franklin College Literature requirement can be satisfied with any English (ENGL) course at the 2000 level, any Greek (GREK) course at the 3000-5999 level or any Latin (LATN) course at the 3000-5999 level or their cross-listed equivalents. The course must be at least 3 hours and taught at the undergraduate level (1000-5999). Except for Multicultural selections, no course may be used to satisfy more than one Franklin College Requirement. Additionally, the following courses can fulfill this requirement. *Courses with an asterisk could be used to satisfy a different Franklin College requirement instead. The student must choose which requirement the course will satisfy. AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES CMLT(AFAM)2600 Multicultural Black Diaspora Literature ENGL(AFAM)3230 Development of African American Literature CMLT(AFAM)(AFST)(GEOG)(LACS)4260 The Black and the Green Atlantic: Crosscurrents of the African and Irish Diasporas AFRICAN STUDIES CMLT(AFST)3150 Introduction to Modern African Literature CMLT(AFST)3151 Introduction to Modern African Drama CMLT (AFST) 3700 African Narratives of HIV/AIDS CMLT(AFST)(ANTH)4245 Oral Literature in Africa CMLT(AFAM)(AFST)(GEOG)(LACS)4260 The Black and Green Atlantic: Crosscurrents of the African and Irish Diasporas CMLT(AFST)4880 The Origins of African Literature CMLT(AFST)4890 Postcolonial African Literature ANTHROPOLOGY CMLT(ANTH)3180 Introduction to East Asian Cultures CMLT(ANTH)3240 The Gypsies: The Last Nomads of the Modern World CMLT(ANTH)3241 (not currently offered) CMLT(AFST)(ANTH)4245 Oral Literature in Africa CLASSICAL CULTURE CLAS1000* Greek Culture CLAS1000E* Greek Culture CLAS1000H* Greek Culture (Honors) CLAS1010* Roman Culture CLAS1010E* Roman Culture CLAS1010H* Roman Culture (Honors) CLAS1020* Classical Mythology CLAS1020E* Classical Mythology CLAS1020H* Classical Mythology (Honors) COMPARATIVE LITERATURE CMLT2060 Introduction to the Chinese Civilization CMLT2111 World Literature from Ancient Times to the Modern Period CMLT2210 Western World Literature from Ancient Times to the Early Modern Period CMLT2212 World Literature from the Early Modern Period to the Present CMLT2220 Western World Literature from the Early Modern Period to the Present CMLT2250H Western World Literature from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century (Honors) CMLT2260H Western World Literature from the Seventeenth Century to the Present (Honors) CMLT2270H World Literature from Antiquity to the Seventeenth Century (Honors) CMLT2280H World Literature from the Seventeenth Century to the Present (Honors) CMLT2300 World Literature East and West CMLT2310 World Literature North and South CMLT2320H World Literature East and West (Honors) CMLT2330H World Literature North and South (Honors) CMLT2400 Asian-American Literature CMLT2410H Asian-American Literature (Honors) CMLT2500 Comparative Ethnic American Literatures CMLT2510H Comparative Ethnic American Literature (Honors) CMLT(AFAM)2600 Multicultural Black Diaspora Literature CMLT2610H Multicultural Black Diaspora Literature (Honors) CMLT2800 Literature and Medicine CMLT3000 Masterpieces of the Indian Tradition HONS(CMLT)3010H Honors Research Methods CMLT3040 Special Topics in Comparative Literature CMLT3080 Playing with Robots: Literary Representations of Automata and Intelligent Machines CMLT3100 Science Fiction and Fantasy CMLT3110 Literature of the Self CMLT3140 Women Writers of the East and West CMLT(AFST)3150 Introduction to Modern African Literature CMLT(AFST)3151 Introduction to Modern African Drama CMLT3160 Myth and Oral Tradition CMLT3170 Detective Fiction CMLT(ANTH)3180 Introduction to East Asian Cultures CMLT3190 Myth in Culture CMLT3200 Contemporary World Literature CMLT3210 Ecocriticism CMLT3210E Ecocriticism CMLT3220 Women and Writing in East Asia CMLT(ANTH)3240 The Gypsies: Last Nomads of the Modern World CMLT(ANTH)3241 (not currently offered) CMLT(HIST)3245 World History and Fiction CMLT3250 Children’s Literature CMLT3250E Children’s Literature CMLT3280 East Asian Thought CMLT3400 Introduction to East Asian Civilizations I CMLT3600 Gods, Ghosts, and Demons in East Asian Literature CMLT3650 Introduction to East Asian Civilization II CMLT3680 East Asian Culture CMLT3680H East Asian Culture (Honors) CMLT (AFST) 3700 African Narratives of HIV/AIDS CMLT4010 Approaches in Comparative Literature CMLT4030 Intercultural Studies for a Global Age CMLT4040 Jewish Literature CMLT4040E Jewish Literature CMLT4050 Literature and the Natural Environment CMLT4070 Science and Literature in the Renaissance CMLT4080 Madness, Monsters, and Monks: Romantic European CMLT4081 (not currently offered) CMLT4082 (not currently offered) CMLT4090 Rethinking Poetry in the Modern World CMLT4100 Philosophy and Literature in the Seventeenth Century CMLT4110 From Epic to Courtly Love in the Middle Ages CMLT4120 Enlightenment and Revolution in European Literature CMLT4150 Global Encounters Through Fiction CMLT4160* The Bible in Western Literature and Art CMLT4160E* The Bible in Western Literature and Art CMLT4170 Israel or Palestine? Culture and Conflict in the Middle East CMLT4190 Buddhism and Western Literature CMLT4200* Literature and the Visual Arts CMLT4210* Literature and Cinema CMLT4220* East Asian Cinema CMLT4230* African Cinema CMLT(AFST)(ANTH)4245 Oral Literature in Africa CMLT4250 Folk Art and Political Theater: World Drama CMLT(AFAM)(AFST)(GEOG)(LACS)4260 The Black and Green Atlantic: Crosscurrents of the African and Irish Diasporas CMLT4270 Transnational Literatures CMLT4300 Modernism and Postmodernism CMLT4320 (not currently offered) CMLT4350 Literature in the Industrial Age CMLT4400 East Central European Literature and Culture CMLT4440H Literature and Medicine (Honors) CMLT4444 Literature and Medicine CMLT4510 Literature and Music CMLT4600* Survey of East Asian Literature I CMLT4610 Survey of East Asian Literature II CMLT4620 East Asian Novel CMLT4630* Holocaust Literature and Film CMLT 4640 War in East Asian Film and Literature CMLT 4640W, War in East Asian Film and Literature CMLT(INTL)4660 Politics, Literature, and Film CMLT4680 Law and Culture in East Asia CMLT4690 Markets, Merchants, and the World of Trade in China CMLT4875 (no longer offered) CMLT(AFST)4880 The Origins of African Literature CMLT(AFST)4890 Postcolonial African Literature CMLT4895 (not currently offered) ENGLISH All 3-hour ENGL courses at the 2000-level ENGL3007 Spy Fiction ENGL3050 Introduction to Poetry ENGL3050H Introduction to Poetry (Honors) ENGL3055 Poetry and Popular Song ENGL(HIST) 3100, Introduction to British and Irish Culture I (Fall 2023) ENGL(AFAM)3230 Development of African American Literature ENGL(LACS) 3250 Latinx Literature ENGL3300 Women in Literature ENGL3320 Shakespeare and His World ENGL3330 Literature and Human Rights ENGL 3340 Literature and Crime ENGL3400 Literature and Evolution ENGL3410 Literature and Media ENGL3420 Literature and the Mind ENGL3430 Literature and Childhood ENGL3440 Literature and Philosophy ENGL3450 Literature and War ENGL 3460 Literature and Utopia ENGL3500 Jane Austen’s World ENGL3530/3530W Introduction to Victorian Studies ENGL3610 Introduction to Fiction ENGL3610H Introduction to Fiction (Honors) ENGL3650 Introduction to Drama ENGL3650H Introduction to Drama (Honors) ENGL3820W Critical Approaches to Literature ENGL 3835, Literature and the Natural World ENGL 3835S, Literature and the Natural World Service-Learning ENGL3836 Literature and the Health Humanities ENGL3836E Literature and the Health Humanities ENGL3880S The Modern Civil Rights Movement in Literature and Culture ENGL3892S Literature in the Library ENGL4897 Science Fiction FRENCH FREN3030 Introduction to French Literature FREN3030H Introduction to French Literature (Honors) FREN4050 French Literature and Culture to 1700 FREN4060 French Literature and Culture 1700-1900 FREN4070 French and Francophone Literature and Culture Since 1900 FREN4080 Studies in French Literature and Culture FREN4120 Topics in French Culture, Language, and Literature GEOGRAPHY CMLT(AFAM)(AFST)(GEOG)(LACS)4260 The Black and Green Atlantic: Crosscurrents of the African and Irish Diasporas GREEK All 3-hour, 3000-5999 GREK courses GERMAN GRMN3120 German Courtly Literature GRMN3410 Revolution, Revolt, and Nationlism in the Nineteenth Century GRMN3420 The German Romantic Age GRMN3600H Heroic Literature (Honors) GRMN3610 Discourses of Post-War Literature GRMN3620H The Wild Berlin of Bertolt Brecht (Honors) GRMN3625 Post-War Women Writers GRMN3630 Memory, History, Narrative GRMN3710 The Wall GRMN3810 Literature in Music, Music in Literature GRMN3830 Children's and Youth Literature GRMN3840 The Jewish Experience in German Culture GRMN3870 The German Fairy Tale Tradition GRMN3875 German Fairy Tales GRMN4015 Magic, Monsters, and the Occult in German Literature GRMN4020 Theory and Practice of German Theater GRMN4310 Germany and the French Revolution GRMN4410 The Holocaust in German Literature and Film GRMN4610H Elective Affinities: Literature and Philosophy in Dialogue (Honors) GRMN4710 Vienna: Literature, Art, Music, Culture HISTORY ENGL(HIST) 3100, Introduction to British and Irish Culture I (Fall 2023) CMLT(HIST)3245 World History and Fiction HONORS HONS(CMLT)3010H Honors Research Methods ITALIAN ITAL2500 Italian Culture ITAL4030 Topics in the Literature and Culture of Italy ITAL4050 Italian Literature and Culture from its Origins to 1400 ITAL4060 Italian Literature and Culture from 1400 to 1700 ITAL4070 Italian Literature and Culture from 1700 to the Present ITAL4120 Topics in Italian Culture, Language, and Literature LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN STUDIES ENGL(LACS) 3250 Latinx Literature CMLT(AFAM)(AFST)(GEOG)(LACS)4260 The Black and Green Atlantic: Crosscurrents of the African and Irish Diasporas LATIN All 3-hour, 3000-5999 LATN courses LINGUISTICS LING2100* The Study of Language LING2100E* The Study of Language LING2100H* The Study of Language (Honors) PORTUGUESE PORT 2550 Luso-Brazilian Culture in the United States PORT 3030 Introduction to Language, Literature, and Culture of the Portuguese-Speaking World PORT4080 Studies in Culture and Literature of the Portuguese-Speaking World PORTUGUESE AND SPANISH PTSP2550 Introduction to Ibero-American Language, Literature, and Culture RELIGION RELI4001* Old Testament/Hebrew Bible Literature RELI4080* New Testament Literature ROMANCE LANGUAGES ROML2550 Latino Literature, Language, and Culture ROML3000 Topics in Romance Languages RUSSIAN RUSS2010 Russian for Heritage Speakers RUSS2150 Madness, Desire, and Death in 19th-Century Russian Culture and Literature RUSS3400 The Stuff of the Soul: Dostoevsky’s Prose and its Aesthetic and Ethical Influence RUSS4040* Tolstoy on Page and Screen RUSS4050 Nineteenth-Century Russian Prose in English Translation RUSS4060 Twentieth-Century Russian Prose in English Translation RUSS4070 Russian Emigre Writers RUSS4080 Nabokov RUSS4090 Russia through the Eyes of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky RUSS4250 Pushkin RUSS4260 Masterpieces of Nineteenth-Century Russian Literature RUSS4270 Masterpieces of Twentieth-Century Russian Literature RUSS4280 Chekhov RUSS4290 Politically Incorrect: Contemporary Russian Literature, Art, and Cinema SLAVIC LANGUAGES AND CULTURES SLAV2200 Kind of Human: Animals, Children, and Robots in Russian and East European Literature and Art SPANISH SPAN2550 Latino Literature, Language, and Culture SPAN3030 Introduction to Literature SPAN3030H Introduction to Literature (Honors) SPAN3040 Introduction to Analysis of Hispanic Cultures SPAN4040 Spanish Literature and Culture from the Middle Ages through the Baroque SPAN4050 Spanish Literature and Culture from the Enlightenment through the Present SPAN4060 Spanish-American Literature and Culture from the Colonial Period through the Independence Period SPAN4070 Spanish-American Literature and Culture from Modernism through the Present SPAN4080 Studies in Hispanic Literature and Culture SPAN4120 Topics in Hispanic Culture, Language, and Literature VIETNAMESE VIET 3007, Introduction to Vietnamese Literature VIET 4191, Vietnamese Language and Literature WOMENS STUDIES WMST 2300, Introduction to LGBTQ Studies WMST 2400, Gender, Sexuality, and the Arts: Critical Feminist Readings WMST 4070/6070, North American Asian Feminisms back to Franklin College Requirements Updated 1.24.2025 by Jon Hanna