Information on foreign language evaluations for placement vs. proficiency Explore more information about all languages offered at the University of Georgia on the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences site. Language Department Placement Information AMHA (Amharic) Comparative Literature Dr. Dainess Maganda ( AMSL (American Sign Language) College of Education Jeannine Parry ( 570C Aderhold Hall, 706-542-4561 ARAB (Arabic) Religion Dr. Alan Godlas ( 221 Peabody Hall, 706-542-5356 BENG (Bengali) Religion Bengali is not currently offered. CHNS (Chinese, Mandarin) Comparative Literature CHNS 1000/2000: Wenbo Chang CHNS 3000/4000: Wenbo Chang CHNS transfer course evaluation contact: Ari Lieberman, Undergraduate Advisor FREN (French) Romance Languages French Placement Information Contact: Kate Daley-Bailey at GREK (Greek) Classics Dr. Mariah Smith (, 218 Park Hall GRMN (German) Germanic & Slavic Studies Testing Center Placement Test Webpage HAUS (Hausa) Comparative Literature Dr. Dainess Maganda ( HEBR (Hebrew) Religion Testing Center Placement Test Webpage HNDI (Hindi) Comparative Literature Currently no placement evaluation available. HNDI courses are not currently offered. INDO (Indonesian) Religion Indonesian is not currently offered. ITAL (Italian) Romance Languages Italian Placement Information Contact: Kate Daley-Bailey at JPNS (Japanese) Comparative Literature JPNS 1000/2000: Amanda Tipton, JPNS 3000/4000: Yuki Caldwell, JPNS transfer course evaluation contact: Ari Lieberman, Undergraduate Advisor KREN (Korean) Comparative Literature KREN 1000/2000: Naanhee Kristin Kim KREN 2001 and 3001 PODs contact is Hyunjin Lee Any student wishing to register for a 2001/3001 KREN course with a POD should email Hyunjin Lee with their 81, desired CRN/section, and full name. KREN 3000/4000: Dr. Mi-Ryong Shim, Students needing a KREN language evaluation for purposes of exempting the foreign language requirement (as opposed to for placement into the appropriate class, which goes through Ari Lieberman) should email Dr. Mori (, who will assign them to the appropriate faculty evaluator. KREN transfer course evaluation contact: Ari Lieberman, Undergraduate Advisor LATN (Latin) Classics Dr. Mariah Smith (, 218 Park Hall MAND (Manding) Comparative Literature Manding is not currently offered. PASH (Pashto) Religion Pashto is not currently offered. PERS (Persian) Religion Currently no placement evaluation available. PERS courses are not currently offered. PORT (Portuguese) Romance Languages Portuguese Placement Information Contact: Kate Daley-Bailey at QUEC (Quechua) Latin American & Caribbean Studies OR Bethany Bateman ( RUSS (Russian) Germanic & Slavic Studies Dr. Sasha Spektor ( SLAV (Slavic) Germanic & Slavic Studies Currently no placement evaluation available SPAN (Spanish) Romance Languages Spanish Placement Information SWAH (Swahili) Comparative Literature Dr. Dainess Maganda ( SWAH transfer course evaluation contact: Ari Lieberman, Undergraduate Advisor TURK (Turkish) Religion Turkish is not currently offered. URDU (Urdu) Religion Currently no placement evaluation available. URDU courses are not currently offered. VIET (Vietnamese) Comparative Literature Ms. Minh Trang Thi Nguyen ( VIET transfer course evaluation contact: Ari Lieberman, Undergraduate Advisor YORB (Yoruba) Comparative Literature Dr. Dainess Maganda ( ZULU (Zulu) African Studies Institute Dr. Dainess Maganda ( If you have additional questions about foreign language placement, please email updated 9/9/2024