Spring 2025 Information The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences does not have an independent graduation ceremony, but many of our departments do. If you do not see the department you are looking for listed below or the information is "TBD", please contact their main office. UGA Directory Art (Lamar Dodd School of Art) 5/9/2025, 10:00 AM UGA Performing Arts Center https://art.uga.edu/events/spring-2025-graduation-ceremony Biochemistry & Molecular Biology 5/9/2025, 1:30 PM Room 085, Science Learning Center https://bmb.uga.edu Biology 5/9/2025, 9:00 AM Classic Center Grand Hall 7-8 https://biosciences.uga.edu/events/all Cellular Biology https://cellbio.uga.edu/ Chemistry 5/9/2025, 10:30 AM I-STEM II, Room 1218 https://www.chem.uga.edu/ Classics 5/8/2025, 4:00 PM Founders Memorial Garden https://www.classics.uga.edu/ Communication Studies 5/9/2025, 1:30 PM The Chapel, North Campus https://comm.uga.edu/undergraduate-graduation Comparative Literature 5/9/2025, 4:00 PM Joe Brown courtyard (or lobby if rainy) https://www.cmlt.uga.edu/ Computer Science 5/09/2025, 1:00 PM Georgia Center, Mahler Hall https://www.cs.uga.edu/ Criminal Justice Studies Program 5/09/2025, 10:00 AM UGA Chapel https://cjstudies.uga.edu/events/content/2025/spring-2025-convocation Dance https://www.dance.uga.edu/ English 5/7/2025, 4:00 PM Fine Arts Theater https://www.english.uga.edu/ Genetics 5/9/2025, 11:30 AM Davison Life Sciences Complex C127 https://www.genetics.uga.edu/ Geography https://geography.uga.edu/ Geology 4/25/2025, 3:00 PM Lamar Dodd School of Art Atrium https://geology.uga.edu/events Germanic & Slavic Studies https://www.gsstudies.uga.edu/ History 5/9/2025, 12:00 PM 171 Special Collections Library Auditorium https://history.uga.edu/ Institute for African Studies https://afrstu.uga.edu/ Linguistics https://linguistics.uga.edu/ Marine Sciences https://www.marsci.uga.edu/ Mathematics https://math.franklin.uga.edu/events/content/2024/mathematics-fall-graduation-reception Microbiology 5/9/2025, 2:00 PM Tate Theater https://mib.uga.edu/graduation Music (Hugh Hodgson School of Music) 5/8/2025, 6:00 PM Hodgson Concert Hall, Performing Arts Center https://www.music.uga.edu/ Philosophy https://www.phil.uga.edu/ Physics and Astronomy https://www.physast.uga.edu/ Psychology 5/8/2025, 9:30 AM The Classic Center https://shorturl.at/15YVt Religion 5/8/2025, 1:00 PM Adinkra Hall, Memorial Hall https://religion.uga.edu/ Romance Languages 5/8/2025, 3:00 PM Fine Arts Theatre https://rom.uga.edu/ Sociology https://sociology.uga.edu/ Statistics 5/8/2025, 12:00 PM Ramsey Auditorium, Sanford Hall. Reception preceding 10:30-11:30, Larry Walker Room, Dean Rusk Hall https://www.stat.uga.edu/ Theatre and Film Studies https://drama.uga.edu/ Women's and Gender Studies 5/8/2025, 4:00 PM Institute for Women’s and Gender Studies library, Gilbert Hall 12 https://wgs.uga.edu/events/content/2025/wgs-graduate-convocation updated 2.04.2025 askfranklin@uga.edu