An Important Message for Franklin College of Arts and Sciences Orientation Attendees: The advising experience is a critical part of the instructional mission of the University of Georgia. Orientation advising appointments provide a crucial opportunity for student learning and for the development of the student/advisor relationship. Because our advisors need to focus exclusively on their students, the Office of Student Academic Services does not allow parents or other guests to attend Orientation advising appointments. Check and Change your Major Prepare for Orientation Advising The Franklin College Orientation Handbook Find your Advising Office Location Info about Placement Testing at Orientation For Incoming Transfer Students: Pre-orientation information Office of Transfer Academic Services Transfer Ambassadors and Transfer Tips For Incoming First-Year Students: Placement Testing: Contact University Testing Services for more information about how to sign up for placement testing. AP/SAT II: Send all results of these tests to UGA Admissions through the College Board. Write down all tests taken and scores received (if known) and bring this information to your orientation advising appointment. To request College Board AP results, please contact the College Board:WebsitePhone: 888-225-5427UGA’s College Board AP Code: 5813 IB scores:Send your IB scores to UGA. Read more about your IB scores and UGA credit equivalencies on the UGA Registrar's website. Write down all tests taken and scores received (if known) and bring this information to your orientation advising appointment. Academic Resources UGA Bulletin — Understand degree requirements, compare majors, and learn about classes. Degreeworks — See how courses you have already taken, and/or credit from testing, apply to your degree program. After your advising appointment, click on the plans tab to view the plan your advisor discussed with you. Athena — View your holds. Register for your classes after orientation. Student Advising and Guidance Expert (SAGE) — View your upcoming advising appointments. After advising, view notes and resources from your advisor. Family Education Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) — Know your rights, according to federal law. Other Resources Pre-Professional Advising Office Handout First Year Odyssey On-line Alcohol Awareness Requirement Health and Immunization Records Verifying Lawful Presence Questions How will I be advised for orientation this year? All incoming First-Year and Transfer students for Summer & Fall 2025 will be advised at their in-person orientation session. Please visit the New Student Orientation site for information about signing up for your orientation session and keep an eye on your inbox for new information. In spring 2025, students will receive an email with specific information relating to Summer Orientation requirements and schedule from the New Student Orientation Team. Can I speak with an advisor or be cleared to register sooner? Advisors are not able to meet with incoming students or clear their registration holds before their in-person orientation session. Who will my advisor be? You will be assigned to an advisor based on your major and credit hours earned. To meet with the correct advisor in your area of study, make sure your major is correct. How to check and change your major Unsure which major you want? It is OK to be Unspecified! The Exploratory Center advises Unspecified/Undecided students. Do you have an emergency or unique situation that needs to be addressed before orientation? Please contact Mary Herman updated 1/30/2025