FRANKLIN COLLEGE PLACEMENT TESTING RECOMMENDATIONS Students can earn course credit or exemption through UGA placement tests. We strongly urge all incoming students to take the Math placement test regardless of major (see below for more information). Students should take the Foreign Language placement test if they plan to continue the foreign language they took in high school. NOTE: BSCHEM, B.Mus, and BFA majors are not required to complete the Franklin College Foreign Language requirement. All other Franklin majors must complete a foreign language through the third semester. We do not recommend that students take the English Placement exam. ENGL 1101 credit from this exam is rarely awarded, and the Math and Foreign Language exams are more important. UGA will use your highest scores. If you do better on the AP test, we’ll apply your AP scores when we get them. If you do better on the UGA Placement test, we’ll apply those scores, so there’s no risk in taking UGA Placement tests. Please see test recommendations and details below. Further questions about your specific placement testing needs can be directed to FRANKLIN COLLEGE PLACEMENT TESTING RECOMMENDATIONS Students can earn course credit or exemption through UGA placement tests. We strongly urge all incoming students to take the Math placement test regardless of major (see below for more information). Students should take the Foreign Language placement test if they plan to continue the foreign language they took in high school. NOTE: BSCHEM, B.Mus, and BFA majors are not required to complete the Franklin College Foreign Language requirement. All other Franklin majors must complete a foreign language through the third semester. We do not recommend that students take the English Placement exam. ENGL 1101 credit from this exam is rarely awarded, and the Math and Foreign Language exams are more important. UGA will use your highest scores. If you do better on the AP test, we’ll apply your AP scores when we get them. If you do better on the UGA Placement test, we’ll apply those scores, so there’s no risk in taking UGA Placement tests. Please see test recommendations and details below. Further questions about your specific placement testing needs can be directed to FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS MATH: All incoming Franklin College majors should take the Math Placement test regardless of major, as it could help any student: Exempt math core/degree requirements Place into a higher level of math Register for a course for which Math is a prerequisite. For information about the Math Placement exam and to register, go to the Testing Services website. For a list of topics covered on the exam, see the department’s preparation page. FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Foreign Language through the third semester is required of most Franklin College majors (students earning BFA, B. Mus or BSCHEM degrees are not required to complete a foreign language). Students should take a Foreign Language Placement exam if they have studied a foreign language within the last year and plan to continue studying that language in college. If a student took a foreign language more than a year ago and wants to continue with it, they should ask their advisor about the best course of action. The test can help any student: Earn credit or exempt courses Place into a higher level of foreign language Possibly exempt the Foreign Language Requirement University Testing Services offers exams in French, German, Hebrew, Italian, and Spanish. For exams in other languages, please see this list of contacts. Your advisor will discuss how to be placed into the correct course if your current foreign language grades are outstanding. TRANSFER STUDENTS MATH: Transfer Students with Math courses that DID NOT transfer as equivalent to UGA courses are strongly recommended to take the Math placement exam. No credit is given for exempted courses, but exemption of MATH 1113 or MATH 1101 may satisfy core and/or degree requirements, or help students register for a course for which Math is a prerequisite. For information about the Math Placement exam and to register, go to the Testing Services website. For a list of topics covered on the exam, see the department’s preparation page. FOREIGN LANGUAGE: Foreign Language through the third semester is required of all most Franklin College majors. (Students earning BFA, B.Mus or BSCHEM degrees are not required to complete a foreign language). Transfer students transferring in foreign language credit that they earned within the last year likely will not need to take a placement exam. If a student took a foreign language more than a year ago and wants to continue with it, they should ask their advisor about the best course of action.