Majors and Degrees Use our Majors Exploratory tool to discover Franklin College Majors. You can search by department, degree type, or topics you are passionate about. Try it Now Presentations about our majors Computational and Physical Sciences Majors Presentation for following majors: BS in BiochemistryBS BiologyBS Cellular Biology BS & BSCHEM ChemistryBS GeneticsBS MicrobiologyBS Plant BiologyComputational and Physical Sciences Presentation Biological Sciences and Chemistry Majors Presentation for following majors: BS Biochemistry & Molecular BiologyBS BiologyBS Cellular BiologyBS & BSCHEM ChemistryBS GeneticsBS MicrobiologyBS Plant Biology Biological Sciences & Chemistry Presentation All Other Majors Presentation for following majors: AB African American StudiesAB AnthropologyAB ArabicAB Art HistoryAB Asian Languages & LiteratureAB ClassicsAB Cognitive ScienceAB Communication StudiesAB Comp Lit & Intercultural StudiesAB Criminal JusticeAB DanceAB EnglishAB Film StudiesAB FrenchAB GeographyAB GeologyAB German AB HistoryAB Latin American & Caribbean StudiesAB LinguisticsAB Music (& any Music major)AB PhilosophyAB ReligionAB Romance LanguagesAB RussianAB SociologyAB SpanishAB TheatreAB Women’s StudiesBFA ArtBS Psychology All Other Majors Presentation