Foreign Language Accommodations and Waivers for: Policy for Students with Learning Disabilities Students Proficient in a Foreign Language Non-US Citizens whose Native Language is not English Policy for Students with Learning Disabilities The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences will waive the foreign language requirement for students found unable to complete this requirement by the Accessibility & Testing (A&T) upon notification of the disability by A&T. Students who waive this requirement must substitute courses from this approved list of courses. The number of substituted courses will be three or four (or fewer if the student has already completed some foreign language courses), according to the requirement of the student’s major. These courses may not be used to satisfy other Franklin College requirements, with the exception of the multicultural requirement. However, substitution courses may be used to satisfy other requirements for the student’s degree. Once A&T has determined that a foreign language substitution accommodation is appropriate, A&T will send Franklin College Student Academic Services a request for accommodations letter. The Office of Student Academic Services will process the request and notify the student via the student’s UGA email address. Included in the email will be a Foreign Language Substitution Course form to be completed by the student, with input from their advisor. Once the form is completed, the student should bring the form to the Graduation Certification Office in 358 Brooks Hall or email it to for final approval. The foreign language requirement is marked as fulfilled upon successful completion of the substitution courses. If at any point the student has a question regarding their foreign language substitution accommodation in Franklin College, they may email the Office of Student Academic Services or call 706-542-0035. Routine changes in the list of courses approved for substitution of the foreign language requirement due to course deactivations, new offerings, and modifications of existing courses may be made by the Committee on Academic Standards of the Faculty Senate without consultation with the full Senate. > back to Franklin College Requirements Students who are PROFICIENT in a foreign language may be able to demonstrate competency without taking coursework. Option 1: In languages for which a departmental placement test is not available, students may demonstrate proficiency in a foreign language by achieving a satisfactory score on an appropriate test developed by faculty who teach the language on this campus. The department teaching the language shall be responsible for developing the examination and specifying the performance required to demonstrate proficiency. For example, a student who is proficient in Vietnamese may approach the Comparative Literature department for help in identifying a faculty member who teaches Vietnamese at UGA, and work with that faculty member to demonstrate competency. If the student is able to demonstrate proficiency equal to the 3rd semester of college or beyond, the faculty member will email the Franklin College Graduation Certification Office ( and include the student’s name, 81 number, and confirmation that the student has demonstrated proficiency equal to the third semester or beyond. Upon receipt of the letter, the GCO will update the student’s DegreeWorks audit to reflect completion of the foreign language requirement. This waiver carries no credit and does not satisfy any portion of the student’s core curriculum or major. Option 2: Students who are proficient in a foreign language that is not currently taught at UGA, and whose language proficiency therefore cannot be evaluated, may appeal to the Academic Standards Committee to waive the requirement. For questions, please contact Franklin College Office of Student Academic Services. This waiver carries no credit and does not satisfy any portion of the student’s core curriculum or major. > back to Franklin College Requirements Students who are not citizens of the United States may be able to waive the foreign language requirement. Students who meet all of the following criteria may request a waiver of the Franklin College foreign language requirement: You are not a US citizen You currently hold citizenship in a country where the primary language is not English, AND Your native language is not English Students who meet the above criteria may complete the Foreign Language waiver form online for review and approval. Dual citizens may demonstrate proficiency in a manner listed under "students who are fluent in a foreign language" on this page. This waiver carries no credit and does not satisfy any portion of the student’s core curriculum or major. > back to Franklin College Requirements updated 1.10.24