Franklin College Requirement: Two Courses The Franklin College Fine Arts/Philosophy/Religion Requirement can be satisfied with any courses taught from or cross-listed with Art History (ARHI), Religion (RELI), ARTS or Philosophy (PHIL) - excluding PHIL2500, PHIL2500H, PHIL4510 and PHIL4530. Both courses must be at least 3 hours and taught at the undergraduate level (1000-5999). Except for Multicultural selections, no course may be used to satisfy more than one Franklin College Requirement. Additionally, the following courses may be used towards the completion of this requirement. *Courses with an asterisk could be used to satisfy a different Franklin College requirement instead. The student must choose which requirement the course will satisfy. AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES MUSI(AFST)(AFAM)2080 African American Music FILM(AFAM)2130 American Directors of Color MUSI(AFAM)2960 African American Percussive Music: From Africa to the Americas THEA(AFAM)4480 History of African American Drama and Theatre ENGL(AFAM) 4882W, Black Film Matters: Studies in African American Film AFRICAN STUDIES MUSI(AFST)(AFAM)2080 African American Music THEA(AFST)4470 African Theatre: An Historical Overview ART HISTORY All 3-hour, 1000-5999 ARHI courses ART - GRAPHIC DESIGN ARGD3070 The History of Graphic Design ART - INTERIOR DESIGN ARID3210 Design History I ARID3220 Design History II ART - STUDIO ART ARST2100 Introduction to Painting and Visuality ARST 2205 Introduction to Photography and Image Culture ARST 2210 Introduction to Photography and Image Culture ARST3750 History of Fabric Design ARST3760 Advanced Studio Practices ARST3770 Design for Industry ARST4205 Photography in Time ARST4910 (no longer offered) ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ARTI(PSYC)(EPSY)(PHIL)3550 Introduction to Cognitive Science ARTS All 3-hour, 1000-5999 ARTS courses CLASSICAL CULTURE CLAS 1000* Greek Culture CLAS 1000E* Greek Culture CLAS 1000H* Greek Culture (Honors) CLAS 1010* Roman Culture CLAS 1010E* Roman Culture CLAS 1010H* Roman Culture (Honors) CLAS 1020* Classical Mythology CLAS 1020E* Classical Mythology CLAS 1020H* Classical Mythology (Honors) CLAS 3000* Introduction to Classical Europe CLAS 4100 Ancient Roman Cities CLAS4270 Good and Evil in Antiquity CLAS 4380* Death: Antiquity and Its Legacy CLAS 4390* The Grand Tour: Visions and Revisions of Classical Antiquity CLAS4395 The Legacy of Classical Antiquity CLAS4400 The Art of Rome COMPARATIVE LITERATURE CMLT4040* Jewish Literature CMLT4160* The Bible in Western Literature and Art CMLT4200* Literature and the Visual Arts CMLT4210* Literature and Cinema CMLT4220* East Asian Cinema CMLT4230* African Cinema CMLT4630* Holocaust Literature and Film CMLT 4640* War in East Asia Film and Literature CMLT 4640W*, War in East Asian Film and Literature INTL(CMLT) 4660, Politics, Film, and Literature CMLT4670 (not currently offered) COMPUTER SCIENCE CSCI3030 Computing, Ethics, and Society DANCE DANC2010 Dance Appreciation DANC3500 Seminar in Dance DANC4500 Studies in Dance History DANC4510 Dance History II DRAMA DRAM4270 (not currently offered), DRAM4490 African American Women in Cinema: Image and Aesthetics ENGLISH ENGL4640 Film as Literature ENGL(AFAM) 4882W, Black Film Matters: Studies in African American Film EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY ARTI(PSYC)(EPSY)(PHIL)3550 Introduction to Cognitive Science FRANKLIN COLLEGE INTERDISCIPLINARY FCID 3500, The Holocaust from the Victims’ Perspectives FILM STUDIES FILM2120 Introduction to Cinema FILM2121H Introduction to Cinema (Honors) FILM(AFAM)2130 American Directors of Color FILM4250 History of Cinema I FILM4260 History of Cinema II FILM 4270/6270, History of Cinema III (1990-Present) FILM4600 Women and Film FILM4650 French Film History FILM4660 History of Animation FILM4670 Film Technology and Style GERMAN GRMN2300 Introduction to German Culture Studies GRMN2400 Improbable Laughter? German Film Comedy GRMN2410 Modern Germany and the Holocaust GRMN3300 Introduction to German Cinema GRMN 3560 German Film and Visual Culture GRMN 3570 Berlin: The Capital in the 20th Century GRMN3820 German Film HISTORY HIST 4362/6362, European History and Film HIST4750 History and Film INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS INTL(CMLT) 4660, Politics, Film, and Literature ITALIAN ITAL4040 Italian Cinema LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN STUDIES LACS4311 Critical Concepts in Latin American and Caribbean Studies LINGUISTICS LING2100* The Study of Language LING2100E* The Study of Language LING2100H* The Study of Language (Honors) LING 3050, Introduction to Spanish Linguistics LING 3050E, Introduction to Spanish Linguistics MUSIC MUSI1100 Music Theory I MUSI1120 Music Theory II MUSI2020 Introduction to Music MUSI2030 Introduction to the Study of Music MUSI2040 History of Popular Music MUSI2050 Survey of Jazz History MUSI2060 History and Analysis of Rock Music MUSI(AFST)(AFAM)2080 African American Music MUSI2090 Music and Film MUSI2200H Honors Seminar in Music MUSI2300 Music in Athens MUSI2300H Music in Athens (Honors) MUSI(AFAM)2960 African American Percussive Music: From Africa to the Americas MUSI3020 World Music Survey: Africa, Europe, and the Americas MUSI3021 World Music Survey: Middle East, Asia, and Oceana MUSI3210 Music History I MUSI3220 Music History II MUSI3550 Music Theory for Non-Majors MUSI4120 Form and Analysis MUSI4200 Ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance Music MUSI4210 Late Renaissance and Baroque Music MUSI4220 Music in the Classic Period MUSI4230 Music in the Romantic Period MUSI4240 Modern Music MUSI4250 Women and Music MUSI4260 History of Opera MUSI4270 Topics in Musical Cultures of the World MUSI4290 Seminar in Musicology-Ethnomusicology MUSI4291 African Music WMST(MUSI)4310 Gender and Music Video MUSI4440 History of American Music MUSI4783 Jazz History PHILOSOPHY All 3-hour, 1000-5999 PHIL courses (EXCLUDING PHIL2500, PHIL2500H, PHIL4510 and PHIL4530) PORTUGUESE PORT 4070/6070, Theater of the Portuguese-Speaking World PSYCHOLOGY ARTI(PSYC)(EPSY)(PHIL)3550 Introduction to Cognitive Science RELIGION All 3-hour, 1000-5999 RELI courses RUSSIAN RUSS2050 20th-Century Russian Culture: The Soviet Experiment and its Aftermath RUSS3300 Introduction to Russian Cinema RUSS4040* Tolstoy on Page and Screen SLAVIC LANGUAGES AND CULTURES SLAV2100 Slavic Folklore SPANISH SPAN(LING) 3050, Introduction to Spanish Linguistics SPAN(LING) 3050E, Introduction to Spanish Linguistics SPAN4081 Spanish Film SPAN4082 Spanish-American Film SPANS 4083S Diversity Through Dance THEATRE THEA2000 Appreciation of Theatre THEA2100H Appreciation of Theatre (Honors) THEA2110 Voices of Diversity in American Drama and Theatre THEA2131H American Ethnic Cinema (Honors) THEA 2140, Drama and Sports THEA 3290, Script Analysis THEA 3291H, Script Analysis (Honors) THEA4200 (not currently offered) THEA4210 Theatre and Modernity THEA4220 Theatre and Society THEA4230/6230 (not currently offered), THEA4280 Women in Performance THEA4300 Queer Theatre and Film THEA4400 Asian Theatre and Drama THEA4460 History of Dramatic Art: Special Topics THEA(AFST)4470 African Theatre: An Historical Overview THEA(AFAM)4480 History of African American Drama and Theatre THEA4500/6500 The Broadway Musical and American Culture THEA4700/6700 Dramaturgy THEA4800/6800 Topics in History WOMEN'S STUDIES WMST(MUSI)4310 Gender and Music Video back to Franklin College Requirements updated 2/2/2022