Franklin College Requirement: Two courses from two different departments The Franklin College Social Sciences other than History requirement can be satisfied by any courses taught from or cross-listed with Anthropology (ANTH), Economics (ECON), Political Science (POLS), Psychology (PSYC) or Sociology (SOCI). The two courses must be chosen from two different departments. Both courses must be at least 3 hours and taught at the undergraduate level (1000-5999). Except for Multicultural selections, no course may be used to satisfy more than one Franklin College Requirement. Additionally, the following courses may be used towards the completion of this requirement. *Courses with an asterisk could be used to satisfy a different Franklin College requirement instead. The student must choose which requirement the course will satisfy. AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES AFAM2000 INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN AMERICAN STUDIES AFRICAN STUDIES AFST(ANTH)(CMLT)(GEOG)(SOCI)(RELI)2100 Introduction to Africa ANTHROPOLOGY All 3-hour, 1000-5999 ANTH courses CLASSICAL CULTURE CLAS2000 Introduction to Classical ArchaeologyCLAS 3000* Introduction to Classical EuropeCLAS 3030 Ancient Sport CLAS(ANTH)3015 Introduction to Classical ArchaeologyCLAS 3040 Ancient Science and TechnologyCLAS 3050 Ancient Sexuality CLAS 3080 Classical Ethics: Informing Modern Decision-Making CLAS 4100 Ancient Roman Cities CLAS 4170 Environmental History of Greece and RomeCLAS 4180 Archaeology of Late AntiquityCLAS 4190 Climate Change and Catastrophes in AntiquityCLAS 4195 Archaeology of AnatoliaCLAS 4270/6270 Good and Evil in Antiquity CLAS 4280/6280 Solitude in Ancient Rome CLAS 4350 Ancient RomeCLAS 4380* Death: Antiquity and Its LegacyCLAS 4390* The Grand Tour: Visions and Revisions of Classical Antiquity COMPARATIVE LITERATURE AFST(ANTH)(CMLT)(GEOG)(SOCI)(RELI)2100 Introduction to Africa GEOGRAPHY GEOG1101 Human Geography: People, Places, and Cultures GEOG1103 Cultural Geography of the United States GEOG1125* Resources, Society, and the Environment GEOG1130 Introduction to World Geography GEOG2010H Introduction to Human Geography (Honors) AFST(ANTH)(CMLT)(GEOG)(SOCI)(RELI)2100 Introduction to Africa GEOG2130H Cultural Geography of the United States (Honors) GEOG2250H* Resources, Society, and the Environment (Honors) GEOG2610 Geography of Georgia GEOG2800 (no longer offered) GEOG3620 Globalization and the Making of the Modern World GEOG3630 Introduction to Urban Geography GEOG3640 The Geography of Human Rights GEOG3990 Internship in Geography GEOG4610 Location Analysis GEOG4620 Advanced Economic Geography GEOG4630 Advanced Urban Geography GEOG4640 Population Geography GEOG4650 Industrial Geography GEOG4660 Urban and Regional Development GEOG4670 Geography of Development GEOG(LACS)4720 Geography of Latin America GEOG4730 Geography of China GEOG4740 Geography of East and Southeast Asia GEOG4680 Gender and Geography GEOG4710 Geography of Sub-Saharan Africa GEOG4750 Geography of Europe GEOG4810 Conservation Ecology and Resource Management ECONOMICS All 3-hour, 1000-5999 ECON courses LATIN AMERICAN AND CARIBBEAN STUDIES LACS1000 Introduction to Latin America and the Caribbean (Honors) LACS2002 Introduction to Latin American and Caribbean Studies II LACS2010 Multidisciplinary Latino/a Studies LACS2020 Multidisciplinary Caribbean Studies LACS2030 Multidisciplinary Brazilian Studies LACS2030i Multidisciplinary Brazilian Studies LACS2040 Multidisciplinary Mexican Studies: A Transnational Perspective LACS2040i Multidisciplinary Mexican Studies: A Transnational Perspective LACS(SOCI)4211 Environmental Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean LACS(ANTH)(SOCI)4311 Critical Concepts in Latin American and Caribbean Studies GEOG(LACS)4720 Geography of Latin America LACS(SOCI)4910 Citizenship and Social Movements in Latin America and the Caribbean POLITICAL SCIENCE All 3-hour, 1000-5999 POLS courses PSYCHOLOGY All 3-hour, 1000-5999 PSYC courses RELIGION AFST(ANTH)(CMLT)(GEOG)(SOCI)(RELI)2100 Introduction to Africa SOCIOLOGY All 3-hour, 1000-5999 SOCI courses WOMEN'S STUDIES WMST1110 Multicultural Perspectives on Women in the United States WMST1110H Multicultural Perspectives on Women in the United States (Honors) WMST2010 Introduction to Women's Studies WMST2010H Introduction to Women's Studies (Honors) > back to Franklin College Requirements updated 10/8/2021